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CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete)

CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) is an acronym that represents the four functions used to handle stored data in database applications. Create allows new database records to be made. Retrieve is for searching and reading data. Update permits users to change existing records. Delete allows unneeded data to be removed from a database. CRUD uses persistent storage. If the power goes out, data remains on the hard drive or disk.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete)

CRUD operations are used in most software and applications that house accounts (e.g., customer accounts, employee accounts). Small to midsize organizations routinely create, retrieve, update, and delete data as part of running a business. For example, the human resources (HR) department keeps track of employees. Databases include a record created for each new employee. The employee information can be retrieved and updated as needed. When the employee leaves the position, the record can be deleted.

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