18 years helping Israeli businesses
choose better software

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The number 1 destination to find software in Israel

Since Capterra’s founding date in 1999, its mission is to provide you with the insights you need to find the best solutions for your business based on your industry, size, budget and specific requirements. Every year, we connect millions of businesses with software providers that meet their needs.

2,418,161 user reviews

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Software Researchers

Software Researchers

Our software research team finds and collects product information to ensure listings remain comprehensive and accurate. They vet all solutions listed on Capterra Israel and update profiles as needed.
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Review Moderators

Review Moderators

Our quality assurance moderators help vet all the reviews we receive and carefully verify that reviewers are real people. They use leading technology to analyze text quality to detect plagiarism and generative AI.
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Content Analysts

Content Analysts

Our analysts use a mix of verified reviews, independent research, and survey data from software users and industry experts to bring you objective insights on how to get the most business value from software. Our trusted research has been featured in: (Publications to be entered by Marketeers)
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We help software providers find their best customers

Capterra serves millions of business leaders who are looking for the best software solutions to accelerate their success. Connect with active buyers buyers to build your brand, capture demand and understand your market.
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