18 years helping Israeli businesses
choose better software
About Ocean.io
Target niches with accuracy impossible in any other B2B database. Full company and contact details for your sales and marketing teams!
Great integration to our CRM. If hit rate on ideal customer profiles were higher it would be a super cool tool.
Furthermore, Ocean lacks vital company information, such as company structure, which has forced us to allocate considerable time toward determining whether a given company is a parent or subsidiary.
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Ocean creates waves for us and our clients
Comments: We sue it in our business and I use it as part of the ABM toolkit for our clients, its essential to the success we deliver
I like that ocean is a dedicated B2B list builder but moreso the opportunities it provides for both a sales enablement tool and an ABM tool.
Whilst no platform is perfect, Ocean also doesn't do everything - it's not a Swiss Army knife. It's a dedicated tool for list building that is also building out functionality that suits its purpose. Would I choose it for contacts over ZoomInfo no, but would I choose ZoomInfo over Ocean for list building, no?
Ocean.io Response
2 years ago
Hey Paul, Thank you so much for your review - we are thrilled to hear we are an essential part of your success! Some great news - we are currently in the process of improving our contact details, with over 200M contacts added. Check it out and let us know if you have any other feedback. The Ocean Team
Alternatives Considered:
Tele2 IoT Review
Comments: Great so far.
The most impactful feature for us is sibling search. Without Ocean, it is very hard to find relevant companies in different countries since IoT is a very abstract industry. Moreover, ease of use and intuitive GUI makes it very easy for us to enable new users.
On my level, there are only positives. Nevertheless, if there is an area that we can focus on, LinkedIn sales navigator interoperability can be the area.
Ocean.io Response
3 years ago
Hello Onur, Thank you ever so much for your kind words! We're happy to be of service to you and your team. We are certainly looking at fine-tuning the flow from Ocean.io to LinkedIn Sales Navigator. We'll keep you up to date on any changes. Have a lovely day, Lianne
Alternatives Considered:
Not a good fit for us to do B2B ABM prospecting
Comments: Not worth the investment, quality needs to be improved significantly. We have tested other tools that perform significantly better for us.
It is easy to use Ocean and fast to onboard. Great integration to our CRM. If hit rate on ideal customer profiles were higher it would be a super cool tool.
Ocean falls short as a recommended choice due to its low hit rate. Despite our collaborative efforts with Ocean's support team to enhance performance, the quality of companies and the contact list remain unsatisfactory. When using matched audience lists, we have observed a mere 5% success rate in identifying our desired customer profiles. As a result, we decided to explore alternative prospecting tools that consistently deliver 40-50% of ideal customer profiles. This significant disparity has a profound impact on the time invested in prospecting activities. Furthermore, Ocean lacks vital company information, such as company structure, which has forced us to allocate considerable time toward determining whether a given company is a parent or subsidiary.
Alternatives Considered:
Review by Netmore M2M
Comments: Great support and communication.
Integration to sales CRM works smoothly. It's easily used. Quantity of information/ prospects
We like the system as a whole. A 'nice to have' would of course having contact details to key personal at each prospect.
Ocean.io Response
3 years ago
Hej Martin, Thank you for taking the time to review Ocean.io - it is much appreciated. Contact details are in progress! If there's anything else we can do, let us know. Have a great day, Lianne
Alternatives Considered:
Powerful and fast prospecting data resource
Comments: Fast, reliable and great support
Lookalike facility to find data otherwise near impossible to source elsewhere. Ability to look-up contacts in LinkedIn with boolean support.
The cost per record of exporting prospect data straight out of the system
Ocean.io Response
3 years ago
Hello Dave, Thank you for taking the time to review Ocean.io and the kind words it is much appreciated. We are looking forward to continuing to support you as a customer. Ocean.io at your service!
Ocean made it easy to quickly detect entire verticals for a targeted ABM strategy
Using a small number of key accounts and find entire verticals of close lookalikes.
Sometimes tags were slightly off on our input accounts which affected the export accounts. That has been improved since.
Our default to find new leads
Comments: Super easy implementation & improved output from the sales team straight away.
Easy of use to find new leads. Beats similarweb any day
At the moment we get all we need and the reps are excited

Software that is simple to use and has excellent customer service
We found Ocean.io straightforward to navigate, and it helped us discover appropriate leads in our desired markets. The fact that it integrates with Hubspot and exporting the list is hassle-free is a plus for me.
In the European region, certain companies may not possess individuals' contact information.

Ocean.io: Pros and Cons Complete Review
I loved the wide variety of tools that Ocean.io provides, from industry reports and insights to market research and data. The platform offers a variety of data to support your decision-making and keep you one step ahead of the competition. The user-friendly layout also makes it simple to navigate and locate the necessary information fast.
The fact that Ocean.io's free version has few features and capabilities bothered me. Also, the premium version's price is a little too high for a small firm.
Ocean.io Response
2 years ago
Hello Reunaldo, Thank you for taking the time to review Ocean.io and the kind words it is much appreciated. We are looking forward to continuing to support you as a customer. Ocean.io at your service!
Very Insightful Product
Comments: It's been a great experience in using the product and dealing with the after-sales team when needed. Very insightful data.
Great UI. Fast Implementation of new features. Insightful data. Great Customer Service Experience Sales Rep.
As a relatively new software in the market, they are still implementing new filters per technology. But they already have 200+ filters, so I should not say this is a weakness, as it is just a matter of time. And they are implementing new ones very fast.
Easy to use software with a superb customer support
Comments: I have awesome experience using ocean.io, it's not only easy to navigate but the customer support is excellent, our account manager timely assisted us with all our inquries and updated us with new developments too, thank you and great work Lianne!
ocean.io is easy to use and provided us with the right leads in our target markets. I like that it has an integration with Hubspot and exporting the list is so convenient.
Some companies don't have the people's contact details.
Ocean.io Response
3 years ago
Hello Mylene, Thank you for taking the time to review Ocean.io, and thank you for those compliments! Ocean.io's magic happens on the company level, but it is always good to have more contact details on top of this. We're working on those details. As soon as we've made another significant addition, I shall let you know. Have a great day, Lianne
Excellent lead gen. tool
Comments: Great experience all the way through from the sales pitch, to the onboarding and finally with the customer success team.
Super easy to use and within a few clicks, I can generate a very focused list of companies to target
The UX is a little clunky but from what I hear from the teams they are working on improving this daily
Ocean.io Response
3 years ago
Hey Ben, thanks for your review and the feedback. We do indeed plan to release an updated UI before the end of the year. Stay tuned!
Tolles Recherchetool mit permanenter Weiterentwicklung
In einem Satz zusammengefasst: Bestes Tool zum Recherchieren von Adressen mit enormen Potenzial für die Zukunft.
Schwächen noch im Bereich des automatisierten Exports, absolute Stärke im Kundensupport.
Für mich im Gesamtpaket das beste Tool um zu Adressen im B2B-Bereich zu kommen.
- Endlich kauft man nicht die Katze im Sack bei den Adressen, sondern kann gezielt recherchieren - Die Eingrenzung nach Ort, Mitarbeiter und die Bildung von Lookalikes verbessern die Ergebnisse enorm - Die Möglichkeit zur Teamübergreifenden Bildung von Suchlisten macht das gemeinsame Recherchieren einfacher - Der Support ist wirklich der Hammer. Selten bei einer Software so eine Unterstützung bekommen - Neue Features werden ständig eingesetzt - Verknüpfung zwischen Website und Social Media um Ansprechpartner zu identifizieren
- Die Beschränkung auf die Anzahl der Exports pro Monat ist für uns aktuell zu niedrig. Auf der anderen Seite lohnt es sich finanziell nicht diese zu erhöhen, denn im Vergleich zu anderen Adressanbietern, kann man sich hier nicht automatisiert einen Ansprechpartner mit korrekten Adressdaten exportieren lassen. Es ist eine manuelle Nachrecherche notwendig. Und so nutzt man Ocean dann lieber als Recherchetool und ergänzt die fehlenden Informationen von Hand. - Ebenfalls ist die Möglichkeit direkt Listen in LinkedIn für MatchedAudiences zu exportieren, prinzipiell genial. Ich kann diese aber leider nicht nutzen, da hier 1 Unternehmen als 1 Export zählt. Möchte man also eine Liste mit zum Beispiel 500 Unternehmen erstellen, so ist unser monatliches Kontinggent bereits voll aufgebraucht. Schade, denn hier könnte man sonst genial die Targetierung von LinkedIn optimieren. - Man merkt dass die Software noch jung ist, deshalb hat es noch den ein oder anderen "Schlitzer" in der Bedienung. Allerdings sehe ich das nicht unbedingt als Nachteil, denn man kann aktuell Teil von etwas neuem innovativen sein.
Ocean.io Response
3 years ago
Hello Jens, Thank you so much for your kind words! We're happy to be of service to you and your team. I will reach out to you to discuss your points of improvement. Let's also talk about Ocean.io next steps with our Contact Details. I look forward to working successfully with you in the future, it is a pleasure. Anne
Das beste Tool, das wir aktuell nutzen
Comments: Wir haben das Tool im Sales-Team ausgerollt und jede/r MitarbeiterIn ist davon überzeugt, dass wir dieses Tool nicht mehr wegdenken können. Sehr Hilfreich für unsere Salesprozesse, wir bekommen unfassbar schnellen Support, wenn es fragen gibt und jederzeit Unterstützung durch unsere Account Managerin Lianne.
Wir haben die Möglichkeit für unsere unterschiedlichen Märkte Leads zu recherchieren und dabei nach Ländern, Produkten, Technologien und anderen Kriterien zu unterscheiden. Zudem bekommen wir weitere nützliche Informationen, sodass wir unseren Sales individuell auf die Firmen anpassen können. Was mich absolut überzeugt hat? Die Integration zu Hubspot, die uns zeigt, welche Leads sich bereits in unserem CRM befinden.
gewünschte Features: - Welche Firmen versenden ihr Produkte in welche Länder? - Welche Firmen bieten einen Subscription-Service an?
Ocean.io Response
3 years ago
Hello Clarissa, Thank you so much for taking the time to review us and for leaving us such kind words! Your suggested features are quite interesting. I will get them to Development for you. It is pleasure working with you and your team, and I look forward to doing it for a long time. Schöne Grüsse, Lianne
Look a Like Power
Comments: Für das junge Produkt ein sehr guter Eindruck.
Am für uns interessantesten war es Unternehmen zu identifizieren, die ähnliche Herausforderungen besitzen wie unsere bereits bestehenden Kunden. Dadurch haben wir bei der Kontaktherstellung die Möglichkeit passender anzusprechen und bereits Erfahrungen vorweisen zu können.
Wir exportieren derzeit in ein CRM. Weitere Integrationen und Schnittstellen sind wünschenswert.
Ocean.io Response
3 years ago
Hallo Philipp, vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, Ocean.io zu bewerten und für dein Feedback. Wir schätzen dich als Kunden sehr und freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit. Weiter Möglichkeiten für zusätzliche Integrationen und Schnittstellen sollten wir auf jeden Fall besprechen. Ocean.io at your service!
Sehr nützlich zum recherchieren von potenziellen Interessenten
Comments: Der Support ist auch sehr bemüht, wenn man mal etwas Hilfe benötigt.
Wir nutzen Ocean.io um Unternehmen zu finden, die in unsere Zielgruppe passen. Durch die genauen Eingaben und die wirklich gute KI ist dies sehr leicht geworden.
Eigentlich gibt es kaum Nachteile. Einzig der Preis könnte günstiger sein, aber ist völlig in Ordnung.
Ocean.io Response
3 years ago
Hallo Mohammed, vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, Ocean.io zu bewerten und für dein Feedback. Wir schätzen dich als Kunden sehr und freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit. Ocean.io at your service!